Feedback Day – 3rd edition

Feedback Day – 3rd edition

Feedback Day is organized by Sabrina Caron and Merlin Campbell with the support of Dominic Thibault, Laboratoire Formes·Ondes and CIRMMT.


The Feedback Day provides a forum for exchange on the expressive potential of feedback interpretation in music. Networking, the sharing of technical, theoretical and conceptual knowledge, the advancement of research-creation work and sound creation are at the heart of the meetings. For this 3rd edition, we are honored to welcome Preston Beebe, internationally renowned percussionist, composer and sound artist, to talk about his latest performance: Living Systems.

This workshop will take place in B-187 (main floor), Faculty of Music, Université de Montréal (200 avenue Vincent-d'Indy) and will be followed by the RA4 General Meeting in the same room.


The call for presentations is now closed. To register to attend the workshop, please fill out this form.


9:00–9:10am: Feedback Day introduction

9:10–9:40am: Stuart Jackson

9:50–10:20am: Greg Bruce

10:30–11:00am: Kasey Pocius

11:10–11:40am: Nicola Casetta

11:50am–12:20pm: Sam Risser

12:20–1:10pm: Lunch (Provided for participants registered before Dec. 4, 2025)

1:10–1:40pm: Alex Sasset-Blouin

2:00–3:20pm: Preston Beebe

3:30–5:00pm: The RA4 General Meeting follows the workshop (All members are invited and welcome to attend)