Agile Seed Funding

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The aim of the CIRMMT Agile Seed Funding is to foster the exploration of new and innovative topics, or to carry out pilot studies, amongst members across the Centre’s four research axes that could potentially lead to external funding opportunities. Priority will be given to interdisciplinary, inter-institutional collaborative research projects.


    • Applications can be in the form of either exploratory projects or pilot studies/projects in preparation of grant applications.
    • Renewals will not be accepted.
    • The Principal Investigator must be a CIRMMT Regular member or CIRMMT Post-Doctoral student for projects to be eligible.
    • Applications must be relevant to CIRMMT’s mission. Selection of proposals will be based on the following six criteria:
      • Interdisciplinarity of the proposal,
      • Potential of training highly qualified personnel (HQP) – priority to CIRMMT students,
      • Originality/Innovation,
      • Scientific/Artistic merit,
      • Potential beneficial outcomes for CIRMMT and its community, such as, but not limited to:
        • Application for a grant;
        • Evidence that the project will lead to a publication/application for further funding etc.;
        • Organization of a conference or symposia;
        • An agreement with an industrial partner for further funding.
      • Budget justification.
    • Proposals must note whether ethics approval is required or not, and whether it has been granted or applied for. Please note that if ethics approval is not received and funding cannot be used by the end of the award period, funding will be lost.
    • The proposals will be assessed by the Executive Committee.
      • The funds will be available for general research activities relating to the project, including salaries for casual research assistants and minor equipment purchases. Travel to conferences to present projects will be ineligible. More details will be provided once an application is successful.
        • As for all CIRMMT funding opportunities, expenses claimed for this award must follow the FRQ general rules that can be found here: FRQSC Common General Rules
        • Funding received through this initiative should not go towards students involved in the project as part of their thesis, and who already receive funding from elsewhere for this exact project.
      • N.B.: Funds awarded will have to be spent within one year from confirmation of award.
      • Projects will be required to provide a summary report by one month after the end of the award.


      • Successful applications will be eligible for a maximum of $5,000.
        • A total of four awards will be given in each year.
        • Up to three awards will be disbursed per round.
      • NB: Applicants will only be awarded ONE award per year as the Principal Investigator. 
      • There is no limit on the number of applications members can be a part of as a co-applicant.


      Agile Seed Funding application form

      • DEADLINE: If the deadline falls on a weekend/holiday, applications will be accepted through the following business day at 4pm:
        • Round 1: April 5th, 4pm.
        • Round 2: October 5th, 4pm.
      • Step 1: One complete electronic copy of the form must be submitted via MS Forms by the deadline.
        • Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
      • Step 2: Presentation: Applicants will be required to give a live presentation of a maximum time of six minutes. Presentations may be by the PI only, or by the group as a whole. The presence of all group applicants at the presentation is encouraged.
        • Presentations must demonstrate that all criteria have been considered, ensuring that one or two slides show the budget justification explaining the planned expenses, plus evidence of planned future steps and benefits for CIRMMT. The quality of the presentations will also be considered by the panel.
      • The Executive Committee will assess all proposals and presentations based on the selection criteria mentioned above.


      • Interdisciplinarity of the proposal
      • Potential of training highly qualified personnel (HQP) – priority to CIRMMT students
      • Originality/Innovation
      • Scientific/Artistic merit
      • Potential beneficial outcomes for CIRMMT and its community, such as, but not limited to:
        • Application for a grant;
        • Evidence that the project will lead to a publication/application for further funding etc.;
        • Organization of a conference or symposia;
        • An agreement with an industrial partner for further funding.
      • Budget justification

      Additional information regarding hiring of Casual Research Assistant

      • The process of hiring students/paying out stipends is the responsibility of the PI, but can be done in conjunction with CIRMMT’s Research Centre Administrator.
      • All hiring of Casual Research Assistant or Postdoctoral Fellows must be done in accordance with the relative AMURE Collective Agreements.
      • Funding received through this initiative should not go towards students involved in the project as part of their thesis, and who already receive funding from elsewhere for this exact project.