ResonatorTube Contributor Funding

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ResonatorTube banner  Visit the ResonatorTube channel for all videos!


ResonatorTube is an educational YouTube series conceived by two CIRMMT Students, Yuval Adler and Max Henry, in 2020. The series seeks to expose CIRMMT research and researchers to a lay audience through entertaining educational videos on a dedicated YouTube channel. With this award, students are invited to oversee the production of an episode of ResonatorTube, from developing the initial idea, through to ultimate delivery online. Applicants will be supported by the ResonatorTube team, and need not have any particular experience with audio or video production. The channel aims to:

  • Expose CIRMMT research and researchers to a lay audience
  • Provide an opportunity for researchers to engage in knowledge transmission
  • This project is an outgrowth of the Student Outreach Award, and as such its goals are in line with CIRMMT outreach objectives, more broadly


  • To engage CIRMMT student members in the creation of an audio/video project
  • To challenge students to practice effective communication of complex ideas
  • To raise awareness of CIRMMT activities to a broader community
  • To demonstrate the potential outcomes of research given CIRMMT resources
  • To foster working relationships between students across CIRMMT member institutions

Balance of responsibilities between contributor and ResonatorTube team

The student contributor is not expected to make a video on their own; but rather to provide ideas and structure to bring a video to life with the support of the ResonatorTube team. The team includes members who are specialized in, or interested in, developing skills in audio/visual production, animation, etc.


  • Providing the initial video idea
  • Developing a script or storyline, to be workshopped with the ResonatorTube team
  • Conducting interviews, researching the topic, and/or soliciting research content as necessary
  • Creating or soliciting original content as necessary, e.g., providing extra footage, original
  • compositions or other documentation
  • Overseeing the final presentation of the video, including the final YouTube upload (video description, appropriate links to relevant videos, etc.) and social media rollout (Twitter and Instagram)


  • Oversee the production, assure quality, relevance of content, and timeliness of delivery
  • Help shape videos to a suggested length of 3-8 minutes.
  • Video editing
  • Sound design
  • Animation
  • Alternately, provide the facilities to allow the contributor to learn and practice these skills themselves 


Graduate and postdoctoral CIRMMT student members are eligible to apply. Visiting students are also eligible to apply.

REMINDER: To be eligible, students must be enrolled until the script is approved to move forward, and one month following this, in order to receive their funding.


CIRMMT values the participation of students in the life of CIRMMT. While there are those who are more officially involved, such as the student representatives and coordinators, those who contribute to the community through other forms of engagement are also valued, and these involvements will be taken into consideration. Such forms of engagement can include, but are not limited to, participation in demonstrations or the more in-depth organization of a CIRMMT workshop.

  • In order to be considered eligible for CIRMMT funding, students are expected to attend:
    • EITHER a minimum of 4 out of 6 Distinguished Lectures in the 12 months prior to the application deadline,
    • OR a minimum of 3 out of 6 Distinguished Lectures and significantly contribute to the organization of a CIRMMT workshop along with the RA co-leaders, or in a demonstration during specific special events (e.g., tours of CIRMMT/MMR) in the 12 months prior to the application deadline.
    • NOTE: In both situations above, ONE Distinguished Lecture can be replaced by attending a live@CIRMMT concert.
  • All attendance will be tracked via sign-up sheet for in-person events.
  • Event attendance requirements are instated to demonstrate the applicant’s active involvement in CIRMMT activities. If the applicant does not meet these requirements, extenuating circumstances will be reviewed, and proof must be provided.
  • Students from universities outside Montreal (U. de Sherbrooke and Université Laval) are exempt from fulfilling the in-person event requirements but are encouraged to attend when possible.


Funding for leading individual videos ("student contributors"): $350 per video, for a maximum of 4 videos per year. Applications to be submitted at the start of the academic year (see Application Process).

Additional funds will be provided to the ResonatorTube for general expenses, to be spent at the discretion of the student representatives.


CIRMMT ResonatorTube Contributor Funding application form

Step 1: DEADLINE for application form to be submitted: October 1. If the deadline falls on a weekend/holiday, applications will be accepted through the following business day at 4pm. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

    Applications will be reviewed by the CIRMMT Executive Committee.

    Step 2: Successful applications will be required to submit a script in written, narrated or video format by December 8th (or the following Monday if this fall on a weekend/holiday) which will be reviewed by the CIRMMT Executive Committee.

    Step 3: The scripts approved by the Executive Committee will move forward to production at this point. The videos must be submitted in March of the following calendar year, at which point applicants will receive their funding. The videos will be finalized and released by April/May.


    • Quality of the proposal
    • Projects should have a clear pedagogical or research communication element
    • Attendance requirements met
    • On the occasions when there is money still available, after the fully eligible students have been considered, students who have not completed the full attendance requirements may receive support